Senior Pastor Mike Padgett and Sheila Padgett

Pastor Mike is native to the Jacksonville area. From attending the schools to working for his father’s car business which still stands today. Dating back to when it opened in 1981. His understanding of hard work and dedication came from the time spent under the guidance of his father and his teachings. 

He would later meet and marry his lovely wife Shelia and begin their beautiful family. Having two daughters Mandi, Morgan and their only son Kyle. In 1993 Pastor Mike accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior after the death of his son Kyle at only three and half years old.

Two years after Kyles passing God laid the call to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ on his heart and he began giving his personal testimony. In 1998 for the second time God gave the vision of the Potter’s House Church to Pastor Mike. Faithful and obedient he conducted the very first service.

In attendance with him that day was his wife, two daughters, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Seven people signifying the completeness of the foundation of The Potter’s House Church.

“That God never consults your past to determine your future.”